Category Archives: Politics

Advocacy Response from the Liberal Government

A month ago, we sent a letter to the Liberal government voicing our displeasure with the recent liquor reform. Yesterday we got a response. Needless to say, it skirted the issue. Also note that they misaddress President Ari as “Mr.” Response … Continue reading

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CAMRA BC Liquor Reform Advocacy Update

Recently, consumers have had further changes to the liquor pricing model that our province uses, and it’s been devastating to the craft beer community. In order to update all BC members on what’s happened, as well as let you know … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Updates | 2 Comments

The CAMRA BC Executive for 2014

The CAMRA BC election for the Provincial Executive has been completed.  As there were only single nominations for each of the four positions, a run-off ballot was not required. So, drumroll please, here is the CAMRA BC executive (plus a … Continue reading

Posted in CAMRA BC Policy, Politics | Tagged | 6 Comments