The Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia (CAMRA BC) is an independent consumer advocacy organization dedicated to championing the cause of the craft beer/cider consumer in BC.

The society was initially incorporated in 1985, under the British Columbia  Society Act, as a not-for-profit society and currently has four local branches, located in Powell River, South Okanagan, Vancouver and Victoria. The combined, paid membership is approximately 1,300. Membership is open to all over 19 years old and who commit to upholding the standards/code of conduct and adhering to the rules set out in the CAMRA BC by-laws and Society Act.

The society, and its branches, are run by an volunteer executive elected by the membership at the provincial and branch annual general meetings. Terms for all executives are one-year, running from one annual general meeting to the next.

In the name of transparency, executive members commit to report any potential conflicts of interest and pledge to remove themselves from any decision making or voting processes related to those potential conflicts. CAMRA BC and branch executives understand that a failure to act in the best interest of CAMRA BC, while acting on behalf of the society, would constitute a direct breach of the CAMRA BC executive duties and responsibilities and could result in discipline as laid out in the CAMRA BC by-laws and Society Act of BC.

CAMRA BC always strives to be an independent, consumer-based society, but due to the close-knit nature of the craft beer/cider communities and the level of commitment needed to be a volunteer CAMRA BC executive on any level, it is unreasonable to think that those willing to commit to the society for free would not have some ties to the industries they are so passionate about.