The September/October 2013 edition of What’s Brewing is now available!


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2 Responses to The September/October 2013 edition of What’s Brewing is now available!

  1. jaime smith says:

    I used to enjoy reading your newsletter in the printed paper edition but am not interested in trying to read it on a computer, so please remove me from your mailing list for the virtual editions of What’s Brewing. If you cannot mail me a paper edition then just cancel my membership in CAMRA BC.

    • Mark says:

      Hi Jaime.
      I’m sorry to hear that you are not happy with how What’s Brewing is now being distributed. As printing and distribution costs had more than doubled over the years, we had to re-evaluate how we were getting the newsletter to the membership.
      Besides having a cost benefit, the electronic version of the PDF allowed us to put more content in as we are no longer limited to multiples of four for the pages.
      Many members print the newsletter off when they receive the link to enjoy the printed version as they did before. Maybe you can try that.

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